
9 Tips to Save Water

It is very important to save water whenever possible. Water is the most precious resource of our planet earth, and without it, we would not be able to survive. In order to conserve water, there are some easy ways to do it. Some of them may sound stupid but they can be very beneficial in the long run.

9 Tips to Save Water

1) Efficient toilets – One way to save water is by having efficient toilets. They use a lot less water than regular toilets. This saves a lot of water every time you use it. And also with today’s high water rates, this will definitely save you money.

2) Cooking purposes – Another thing to save water is to use water for cooking purposes only. Even if you use the water for drinking and cleaning purposes at the same time, it is better to save it for cooking. Use cold water when cooking and as much as possible, use tap water only. Do not keep a bottle of hot water on your counter either. Hot water could potentially scald you especially if it’s over two degrees Celsius.

3) Avoid using plastics and bottled water – Other tips to save water are to avoid using plastics and bottled water. They are bad for the environment because plastic bottles and other containers are non-biodegradable. If you want to save water, it is better to use water from a glass or a bottle with a low-manganese content. When buying groceries, choose items that are low in plastic content. Also, try to use glass plates instead of plastic ones.

4) Turn off the shower – When taking showers, turn the shower off before the flow gets too high. This is one of the tips that will save a lot of water since hot water tends to save a lot of energy. And if you have a shower head, you should use a low-flow showerhead. The lower the flow, the less force is used, therefore saving more water.

5) Many people have showers with no doors – How can you solve this problem? By installing doors. It will keep the water from dripping down onto the floor. Also, close the curtains when not in use. This will help conserve water by allowing only the amount of water used for showering.

6) Clothes – Another useful tip to save water is to change the kind of clothes you wear most often. It would be best to change it every day. This way you can be sure that you are wearing the right clothes for the seasons. Also, when washing vegetables or fruits inside your house, be careful not to splash water onto the surfaces. This could damage the surface or peel the green. Instead, wash it outside.

7) garden – One of the ways you can save water is by having a garden. The rainwater you collect can be used in different ways. You can set up a barrel to save water, catch it in a garden hose, or use it for watering the plants in your yard. You can use the water in the hose for cleaning and rinsing the house or garden as well.

8) Use a colander – If you have children, you may be tempted to use a colander to save water. These are not very good tips to save water because the liquid will eventually seep out through the grout. Instead, use large pots or pans and place them on top of the counter or under the table.

9) Laundry room – Finally, don’t forget about the laundry room. It is where most of the liquid goes down the drain. If possible, install special drain traps or buy drain cleaners that trap solid debris instead of liquid. Some of these products may even be disposable. This will help prevent clogs.


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